This is the yearly reminder regarding where to go when determining whether a game has been postponed or abandoned due to weather.
The Squadi App – the official match system will mark a game as being Postponed or Abandoned as soon as the hosting club notifies the competitions management team. If you do not intend to install the Squadi app, go to the online version and find your team.
The Club Social Media – when the club knows, the facebook page will typically blast an update saying the fields are closed. This is sometimes quicker than Squadi.
Your individual team’s comms– please don’t rely on pinging the coach or manager with “Hey is the game on?” messages. Often times, they know when you know when the Squadi App is updated. But often times, they make sure by announcing the game is off.
Please do not call the club asking if a game is on.
What about Training Days?
Please check the Club Social Media, either directly, or using this web page’s facebook applet on the right-hand pane for any training closure announcements (view the page in desktop mode on your phone).
Positive Team communications about training being cancelled is also helpful.