Wet Weather Procedures 2025

This is the yearly reminder regarding where to go when determining whether a game has been postponed or abandoned due to weather.

The Squadi App – the official match system will mark a game as being Postponed or Abandoned as soon as the hosting club notifies the competitions management team. If you do not intend to install the Squadi app, go to the online version and find your team.

The Club Social Media – when the club knows, the facebook page will typically blast an update saying the fields are closed. This is sometimes quicker than Squadi.

Your individual team’s comms– please don’t rely on pinging the coach or manager with “Hey is the game on?” messages. Often times, they know when you know when the Squadi App is updated. But often times, they make sure by announcing the game is off.

Please do not call the club asking if a game is on.

What about Training Days?

Please check the Club Social Media, either directly, or using this web page’s facebook applet on the right-hand pane for any training closure announcements (view the page in desktop mode on your phone).

Positive Team communications about training being cancelled is also helpful.

Sunday 23rd March – Coles MiniRoos weekend training session and Equipment Muster Day

This Sunday is the last weekend session for the MiniRoos before teams are nominated and school night training sessions are organised.

Under 12s (Mixed) are also running trials to gather numbers into the various sub-divisions in that age group.

It is also an opportunity to get your playing and training gear that is included in your fee. We can also offer limited registration assistance for those unable to navigate Squadi or are hitting an error.

Sunday morning from 9am to 10:30am Training – players are divided into age groups and training activities run. Under 12s will be running a separate session for trials. Grab a colour-coded bib and shake those cobwebs off!

Sunday morning from 10:30am to 12pmEquipment Muster – players are checked off against their Squadi registration and issued training shirts, playing shorts, playing socks, balls and whatever other entitlements the fees include.

Muster Day(s) – Get your playing gear!*

On Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd of March, from 10:30am to 1pm, we’ll have volunteers at the club to help finalise registrations. Why?

Because you want to get your shorts, socks, training shirt and other paraphernalia for your 2025 season that comes with your registration fees!

Those Juniors*, Seniors* and Masters* players that have registered, come down to the club on either Saturday or Sunday from 10:30am and get your gear.

You’ll be checked off the register and be ready to play!

MiniRoos! Don’t stress, there will be another muster day for you later on.